What if Wix Tomorrow Classroom is blocked at my School?

If Wix Tomorrow Classroom is blocked at your school, here are a few steps you and/or your school's IT Administrator can take to whitelist the site:

Whitelist wix.com domains
  • You will need to allow all subdomains of wix.com (for example: www.wix.com, manage.wix.com, editor.wix.com)
  • In order for students and teachers to be able to view their published live sites you will also need to allow all subdomains of wixsite.com
The wix.com domain is only used by Wix itself and is not used by Wix users / site creators. The sites created by Wix users will either have a *.wixsite.com domain or a custom domain that is owned by them.

Alternative ideas and tips
If wixsite.com can’t be whitelisted for whatever reason, it is possible to whitelist only the subdomains that are used by a specific teacher and their students. All student websites have the same subdomain as their teacher. 

The subdomains will be <teacherAccountName>.wixsite.com/

For example, if the teacher’s username is msflint74, all the sites created by their students will be nested under msflint74.wixsite.com/
Teachers can find their account name by clicking their profile name in the top right and choosing My Profile.
Need assistance? Contact us on support-tomorrow@wix.com.