Adding Additional Teachers as Co-Teachers

Add additional teachers to your account, by making them Co-Teachers.
Co-teachers added to your account have full access to all classes, students and sites in your account. They can create, modify, publish and moderate all the sites, and manage students as well.

Add New Co-Teachers

To invite a co-teacher to your account: 
  1. click on your profile image in the top right and choose Co-Teachers. 
  2. Click Add Co-Teachers.
  3. Type or paste the email/s or the teacher/s you want to invite, and click Add Co-Teachers. This sends each teacher an invitation email, through which they can set-up their account. 

To create their account and join your classes, the Co-Teacher should click on the invitation email they received, and create an account using email+password or Google login. 
They have to use the same email address that was invited, and it cannot be connected to an existing Wix account. 

* See below for other options if they're having issues using the invitation email.

Once they successfully created their account, you'll see them as "enrolled" in the Co-Teachers table. 

Manage Existing Co-Teachers

Remove a Co-Teacher

  1. Go to the Co-Teachers page by clicking on your profile in the top right and choosing Co-Teachers
  2. Find the relevant co-teacher in the list.
  3. If they are enrolled or invited, click on Manage and choose Delete from Account or Remove Invite accordingly. If they have an error, just click on the trash can icon to remove them. 

A removed co-teacher will not have any access to your classes, sites and students, and will not be able to login to Wix Tomorrow Classroom.

Re-send Invitation

  1. Go to the Co-Teachers page by clicking on your profile in the top right and choosing Co-Teachers
  2. Find the relevant co-teacher in the list.
  3. If they invited, click on Manage and choose Re-send email invitation. If they have an error, click on Re-invite.
Send Direct Registration Link
A co-teacher can create their account using a direct link, Instead of clicking on the invitation email. This is useful in cases where they can't find the email received or if they need to sign up on a different machine then the one that holds their email account. 

To get this direct link, click Manage next to their name and choose Copy Invite Link. This copies the link to your clipboard, and you can share it with your co-teacher through any means you usually communicate.    

What to do with an Invite Error?

Email Error
The invited email is already connected to a Wix account. You can invite them with a different email, or have them replace the email on their currect account. 

Invitations are valid for 30 days, if a co-teacher show us as expired you can click re-invite and a new invitation will be sent. 

Technical Issue
Something happened on our end and your co-teacher wasn't invited. You can try re-inviting, and if that doesn't work - contact us and we'll be happy to help

A co-teacher can only be added to one teacher account, and cannot use an email address that is already connected to a Wix Tomorrow Classroom, or a account. 
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