Add students using Google Classroom

Adding Students with Google

You can add students directly from your Google Classroom account to Wix Tomorrow Classroom. 

Add Students to Your Class

STEP 1: Create a new class on Wix Tomorrow Classroom, or go to your class page if you have already set up one. 

STEP 2: Click on + Add Students.

STEP 3: Pick Import from Google Classroom.

STEP 4: Login to the Google account you use with your Google Classroom
Note: It does not have to be the same email address you are using for Wix Tomorrow Classroom.

STEP 5:  Pick the name of the class you want to import students from, and click + Import Class

STEP 6: The list of students will show up in the box. You can now edit the list - remove students by clicking the x next to their email or add other email addresses.

STEP 7: Once you're done, click + Add Students and your students will be added to your class. 
Changes in your Google Classroom will not affect Wix Tomorrow Classroom automatically. If you want to add new students, go through the import process again and any new students will be invited. 
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